Finding a mentor – a path to success

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In the world of accounting, academic knowledge is essential, but real-world guidance and mentorship can be equally invaluable. A mentor, someone with experience and expertise in the field, can offer insights, support, and opportunities that can significantly enhance your learning journey, and future career. In this blog post, we’ll explore why finding a mentor is essential for accounting students and provide practical tips on how to find one.

Why is a mentor a good thing for accounting students?

1. Guidance from industry experts

A mentor is usually an experienced accounting professional who can provide you with insights into the industry that textbooks can’t. They can help you understand the nuances of the field, such as the latest regulations, industry trends, and best practices.

2. Career development

A mentor can help you map out your career path in accounting. They can offer advice on which specialisation to choose, how to set and achieve career goals, and provide guidance on certifications and further education.

3. Networking opportunities

Mentors often have extensive networks within the accounting world. Being mentored by someone well-connected can open doors to internships, job opportunities, and valuable contacts.

4. Personalised feedback

Your mentor can provide feedback on your coursework, projects, and job applications. Their insights can help you improve and stand out in a competitive field.

5. Confidence building

Having a mentor who believes in your abilities and provides encouragement can boost your self-confidence. This can be especially helpful when you face challenges or uncertainties.


How to find a mentor

1. Start with your tutor

Tutors can be excellent mentors or connect you with potential mentors. They often have connections in the field and can recommend experienced professionals.

2. Join accounting organisations

Many institutes have accounting clubs or forums. These groups can be a great way to meet professionals and find potential mentors.

3. Utilise LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a valuable tool for networking. You can search for accounting professionals in your area and reach out to them with a polite message expressing your interest in mentorship.

4. Attend networking events

Attend accounting conferences, seminars, and workshops. These events provide excellent opportunities to meet professionals who might be willing to mentor you.

5. Online mentorship platforms

Some websites and apps are dedicated to connecting mentors and mentees. Look for these platforms and create a compelling profile to attract potential mentors.

6. Be clear about your goals

When approaching potential mentors, be clear about your goals and what you hope to gain from the mentorship. This will help you find the right match.

7. Maintain a relationship

Once you find a mentor, it’s essential to maintain the relationship. Attend meetings, show appreciation, and be open to their advice and feedback.


Finding a mentor as an accounting student is a wise decision. A mentor can provide you with the guidance, knowledge, and support necessary to excel in your studies and future career. Use the tips mentioned above to begin your mentorship journey, and remember that mentorship is a two-way street – be open to learning, respectful of your mentor’s time, and committed to your growth in the accounting field.

All Eagle students are connected with a study mentor when they subscribe to their qualification. They will work with you to set goals and help you with your studies. They’re there to advise you and guide you through your qualification. You can ask them anything, and they will do their best to help you succeed.


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