How to ace the writing tasks in AAT assessments

Writing on a pad

AAT Students often tell us that they really struggle with writing in their AAT qualification assessments so we created a webinar to help them.

Embrace the opportunity to develop writing skills

In the webinar we illustrate why good communication and good writing skills are essential in today’s workplaces.  It’s a skill some avoid developing but there could be consequences to this with respect to securing employment and growing and developing within an accounting role.

Why do we struggle with writing sometimes?

Sometimes AAT students believe that they don’t perform well in writing tasks because they can’t write well.  In our webinar we explain that there’s so much more to good writing than most people realise.  We identify some issues within the process of reading, processing information and writing and explore possible solutions.

AAT’s assessment strategy

When an AAT student has an idea about the assessment strategy at the different levels and how marking schemes work, then they’re more likely to pay attention to detail when answering questions that require written answers.

Feedback from our students

The feedback from the webinar has been very positive.  Andrew wrote “It’s amazing how obvious the issues are that I have but I could never see them until now.  I now know what I need to concentrate on in my AAT assessments.”

You can watch the webinar on YouTube.  We hope you find it very useful too.