Top 10 tips for improving wellbeing as a student

Woman meditating in front of laptop


Revising, exams and time management. Being a student at any age and on any course comes with its stresses, but whilst you’re learning it’s important to prioritise your health and wellbeing. It’s even thought that students with high levels of well-being can actually have better academic and life outcomes¹.

Need a bit of help on how to supercharge your wellbeing? Here are our top 10 tips:

1. Prioritise tasks

Working towards a new qualification can seem overwhelming at times and time management is a skill that loads of us need to work on. The key to maintaining a level head is keeping track of your priorities.

It might be the case that you know you retain information better when you study in the AM, in which case you need to consistently keep those weekend mornings free for learning as an example.

Or maybe you need to address that your time in an evening is already spread too thinly. It might be the case that getting free time via childcare for one or two nights a week makes all the difference when it comes to making sure you have the time to revise for your upcoming exam.

2. Take a break

Commitment to your studies is great, but taking regular breaks is something every student should practice. Even if it’s just going to grab a coffee, having a change of scenery can be the key to letting your newly learnt information sink in.

This is also the perfect opportunity to give yourself time to reflect on what you’ve learnt and how you can apply it in practice. If you can tie this in with another healthy habit like a walk or meditation, even better.

3. Exercise

We all know that we should stay active – the NHS² says exercise is important not just for your physical health and fitness, but it also improves your mental wellbeing. With our physical and mental health being so closely linked, taking up this hobby could help you feel great in so many ways.

And if it helps you to study – it’s worth a go right? We won’t go into detail, but the science behind it means that exercise causes chemical changes in your brain which actually help to positively change your mood.

4. Meditate

Meditation is an ancient practice but in recent years has soared in popularity. Although people have been meditating for around 3,000 years, it’s more valuable in today’s society than ever.

There’s arguments that the activity improves your brain efficiency and performance, making it smarter and faster at analysing, reasoning and problem solving³. It can also help to reduce stress and anxiety, which we all encounter at some time or another – particularly around exam season.

It’s easier than ever to get started. There’s loads of new apps that you can download and try, or it’s something you can do on your own.

5. Communicate

A problem shared is a problem halved and strong relationships are important for your emotional wellbeing. Studying can be a stressful time and this is where leaning on your friends and family for support can be key.

Building good relationships will give you an opportunity to share experiences and emotions – good and bad. So take the time to try and bond with your family when you can. And when you’re taking a study break, why not catch up with those friends you don’t get to speak to very often.

Remember – you’re never alone. When you’re a student with Eagle, you can reach out to your mentor whenever you like. And if they haven’t heard from you in a while, they’ll get in touch to see how you’re getting on. As well as that, you can also join the Eagle Education Buddies Facebook Group, where you’ll always find someone in a similar situation who’ll be there to lend an ear.

6. Go outdoors

If you’re feeling a bit down or like your study schedule is getting on top of you, we recommend taking some time out – outside. It’s been said that spending time outdoors is one of the best ways to improve your mental health and happiness⁴.

The benefits of filling your time being outside are even backed by science⁴. A new study by the International Journal of Environmental Health Research has found that spending just 20 minutes in a park boosts your wellbeing.

So next time the sun makes an appearance, or you have the chance to walk instead of drive – take the opportunity and see how it makes you feel.

7. Eat well

Another obvious one, but a good diet means a healthier life. We all know what we should and shouldn’t eat, but particularly when you’re studying, it’s extra important to make sure you’re fueling your brain for all the learning.

A good diet will help you feel your best – this means eating a balanced diet, including a variety of foods in the right proportions. One of the best things you can do is cook from scratch, so that you know exactly what’s in your meals.

To help balance your busy workload, try batch cooking, this means that on the days you need to spend time studying, you can have food ready waiting in the freezer. There are loads of recipes available online, and the NHS has lots of information if you need some more guidance on eating well.

8. Sleep well

As a student, you’re constantly learning and testing your brain. You’re filling it with all sorts of information, as well as the everyday reminders to make sure nothing is forgotten in your hectic timetable.

We can’t stress enough the importance of a good night’s sleep, particularly when it comes to your memory. It’s essential for embedding knowledge in your brain and is a really crucial part of learning⁵.

To ensure you’re making the most of your beauty sleep, try to minimise tech before bed, whether that’s scrolling on your phone or watching TV. It can also help to keep your room at a steady temperature and as dark as possible – it may even be worth investing in some blackout blinds.

The key thing is to find what works best for you, and stick to it. The better your sleep the better your learning.

9. Keep things in perspective

It’s all too easy to let stress and worries get on top of you. But it’s important to take a deep breath and take stock of how far you’ve come.

You might not be there yet, but with continued hard work and motivation, you’ll succeed. It’s important to not let knock backs get you down. Some of our most successful students didn’t pass their exams for the first time, and everyone has different challenges in life.

The best thing to do is to keep your head up and stay motivated. If you need some help to get you back on track, here are our favourite tips for motivation.

10. Ask for help

Don’t keep things bottled up if you’re stuck. When you study with Eagle you have access to academic support for help with course material and exam preparation. You’ll also have your own mentor who can help to keep you on track with your goals.

Have a question on how else Eagle could help you reach your accountancy aspirations? Get in touch with us now, we’d love to hear from you.


¹ Student Well-Being: What About It?
² 5 steps to mental wellbeing
³ Benefits of Meditation for Students
Spending Just 20 Minutes in a Park Makes You Happier. Here’s What Else Being Outside Can Do for Your Health
Why sleep should be every student’s priority